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Denver Catholic Catechetical School

About the Catechetical School:

The Catechetical School is a prayerful, organic, and systematic presentation of the Catholic Faith, contained both in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition (Catechism of the Catholic Church, ¶ 80-82). This occurs in a setting that takes advantage of all the facets of effective adult learning: engaging lectures, small group dynamics, independent study, and personal application.

Far from being a dry and boring presentation of dogmas and doctrines, the study of the Catechism is a deeply personal and exciting study of the roadmap for God’s plan for our salvation. Our curriculum focusing on the Catechism as a “Ladder of Ascent”, climbing rung by rung from the blessing of this world to the blessing of Heaven. We give you an encounter with Jesus Christ through the knowledge of the faith in the Apostles’ Creed, to the making present of God’s saving acts in the liturgy and the sacraments, to our response in love to God out of obedience to His commandments in the moral life, and to ending with the personal and intimate conversation with God that we call prayer.

Upon completion of this comprehensive two-year program, the student is awarded a “Certificate in Catechetical Studies”.

Online Catechetical School classes are open for anybody, anywhere in the world to join!

Year 1, Semester 1

The Creed

Year 1, Semester 2

The Liturgy and Sacraments

Year 2, Semester 1

The Moral Life

Year 2, Semester 2


Is it time now for you to explore the Catholic Faith more seriously than ever before?

Register Here

Need More Information?

Call 303.715.3195 or email us at laydivision@archden.org.
